Now That Part Of Me Has Become Fiction by Saskia Olde Wolbers

Publisher: Artimo, 2003
Author(s): Gianni Jetzer, Stijn Huijts, Patricia Ellis
Format: Hardcover
Edition: First
Pages: 87
ISBN: 9789075380880

Catalogue for the exhibition ‘Now That Part Of Me Has Become Fiction’ at the Neue Kunsthalle St.Gallen presents four large-scale video projections (Interloper, Placebo, Day-Glo, Kilowatt Dynasty).

Saskia Olde Wolbers has a taste for stories in which the characters become victims of their own imaginations, unable to tell dream from reality. In her videos, detached voice-overs recount the unlikely dramas of her protagonists; abstract visuals look like digital dreamscapes but are in fact her liquid visuals are entirely analogue, shot in real-time in model sets.


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